Data-Driven Journalism

EdWeek Research Center 2 (1)
Journalism Powered by Research
The Research Center teams with °ÄÃÅÅܹ·ÂÛ̳ reporters and editors to produce high-profile, data-driven journalism.

Latest Annual Report

  • View the latest edition of Quality Counts, °ÄÃÅÅܹ·ÂÛ̳’s annual report card grading the nation and the states on K-12 education:

    Quality Counts 2021: Grading the States
    See how the nation and the states score on this year's comprehensive report card for the nation’s schools.

More Data-Driven Journalism

Illustration of a large, sinking iceberg forming the letters "AI" as a business professional stands on the tip of the iceberg that remains above water with his hands on his hips and looking out into the large sea.
Illustration of a ladder on a blue background reaching the shape of a puzzle piece peeled back and revealing a Benjamin Franklin bank note behind it.
Older student facing the city, younger version is being swept away.
Nicole Xu for °ÄÃÅÅܹ·ÂÛ̳
Tight crop of a white computer keyboard with a cyan blue button labeled "AI"
Horizontal banner image of group of multiracial teenage high school students standing against blue background wall. Student belonging.
Daniel de la Hoz/iStock
Teacher Helping Female Pupil Line Of High School Students Working at Screens In Computer Class
iStock / Getty Images Plus
Audrey Wright, right, quizzes fellow members of the Peace Warriors group at Chicago's North Lawndale College Prep High School on Thursday, April 19, 2018. Wright, who is a junior and the group's current president, was asking the students, from left, freshmen Otto Lewellyn III and Simone Johnson and sophomore Nia Bell, about a symbol used in the group's training on conflict resolution and team building. The students also must memorize and regularly recite the Rev. Martin Luther King's "Six Principles of Nonviolence."
A group of students at Chicago's North Lawndale College Prep High School participates in a training on conflict resolution and team building on Thursday, April 19, 2018. Nearly half of educators in a recent EdWeek Research Center survey said their schools are using restorative justice more now than they did five years ago.
Martha Irvine/AP
Teacher at a chalkboard.
Illustration of hands interacting with smartphones
DigitalVision Vectors/Getty
Tight cropped photo of a young professional male using a smartphone which is illuminated with floating social media icons above.

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