Lauro F. Cavazos

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Lauro F. Cavazos, Fourth U.S. Education Secretary: Biography and Achievements
Background and highlights of Lauro F. Cavazos's tenure as the fourth U.S. Secretary of Education.
Education 3 Federal Agencies Probing Cavazos Travel Practices
The Education and Justice departments and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are examining whether the travel practices of former Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos violated federal regulations, current and former Bush Administration officials said last week.
Julie A. Miller, May 22, 1991
1 min read
Education Federal File: Titles; Cavazos comments; Presidential confession
Washington reporters have been wondering whether they should address Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander as "Mr. Secretary," or as "Governor," in deference to his two terms as the chief executive of Tennessee. Most have settled on "Governor."
May 1, 1991
1 min read
Education Cavazos Has Kind Words for President In His Last Official Speech as Secretary
Lauro F. Cavazos spent his final morning as Secretary of Education--four days after he had been fired from President Bush's Cabinet--delivering a college commencement speech that praised Mr. Bush's education initiatives.
Julie A. Miller, January 9, 1991
5 min read
Education Cavazos Creates Outreach Office To Promote Choice
Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos last week reaffirmed school choice as the cornerstone of the Bush Administration'. education policy by announcing the creation of a choice "outreach office" within the Education Department.
Mark Pitsch, December 12, 1990
4 min read
Education Cavazos Urges College Officials To Stem Tuition Rates
Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos last week called on higher-education officials to help stem the further escalation of tuition rates by controlling administrative costs and trimming underused academic programs.
Mark Pitsch, December 5, 1990
4 min read
Education After Two Years, Cavazos' Relations With Fellow Hispanics Remain Rocky
When Ronald Reagan announced in 1988 that Lauro F. Cavazos would be the new Secretary of Education and the first Hispanic to serve in the Cabinet, many in the Hispanic community expressed suspicion about the President's motives for the election-year appointment, but pride at the achievement of one of their own.
Julie A. Miller, October 24, 1990
9 min read
Education Cavazos Acts on Long-Dormant Civil-Rights Cases
Sometimes the wheels of justice turn slowly indeed.
Julie A. Miller, August 1, 1990
4 min read
Education Federal File: Congressional oversight; Child abuse?; Cavazos
When the Congress reauthorized the Higher Education Act in 1986, one provision of the bill created a National Commission on Responsibility for Financing Higher Education.
June 13, 1990
1 min read
Education Federal File: Realignment?; Good intentions; Cavazos Day; Advice; Prescience?; Careful kudos
Some observers think the partisan squabble that erupted in the House Education and Labor Committee last month reflects the beginning of a realignment in the Democratic camp in anticipation of the impending retirement of Chairman Augustus F. Hawkins.
April 18, 1990
3 min read
Education Outcry Follows Cavazos Comments on the Values of Hispanic Parents
Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos' mission here last week was to gather new ideas for improving the schooling of Hispanic youths and to begin building bridges between the federal government and Hispanic educators.
William Snider, April 18, 1990
6 min read
Education Cavazos To Hold Five Forums To Discuss Hispanic Education
Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos last week announced plans to hold five public forums on Hispanic education.
Julie A. Miller, March 28, 1990
1 min read
Education Cavazos' Adviser on Dropouts: Uniquely Qualified for Job
There may be no one in the federal government more qualified for his job than Richard Marquez. But those who knew him when he was a teenager would probably have laughed at the idea he might someday serve as an assistant to the Secretary of Education.
Julie A. Miller, March 28, 1990
4 min read
Education Federal File: Ambassador Cavazos; Rare emotion
Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos spent most of last week in Mexico at the invitation of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari. The agenda for the visit, which included stops in Mexico City and Guadalajara, emphasized education and the war on drugs.
March 28, 1990
2 min read
Education Cavazos Draws Fire After Speech in Texas
U.S. Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos last week ran into bitter criticism from Democrats and fellow Hispanics in his home state of Texas after he gave a pet'Ch to the legislature promoting school choice and downplaying the role of money in reform.
Michael Newman, March 14, 1990
3 min read